Gamers yet to Embrace Web 3.0 Games, Says Report

Reading Time: 2 minutes
  • A new report shows that conventional gamers are yet to embrace Web 3.0 games
  • Only 15% plan to play these games, which have attracted criticism on various fronts
  • The report revealed that gamers want to have fun which isn’t available in the Web 3.0 world

A new report by Coda Labs has revealed that conventional gamers have less appetite for NFTs, cryptocurrencies and Web 3.0 games. Compiled from a survey of 6,921 individuals, it shows that only 15% of these gamers plan to interact with the Web 3.0 world while only 12% have tried the games from the virtual space. Most conventional gamers cited a lack of fun as the reason they’re yet to embrace blockchain-based games.

40% Not Sure How Web 3.0 Gaming Works

The respondents were drawn from the US, the UK, Japan, South Africa and Brazil, many of whom said that, as conventional gamers, they are yet to own crypto wallets and have little knowledge of the inner-working of Web 3.0 games. The revelation comes despite more entities investing lots of money in these types of games, although there is a general admission that Web 3.0 games are still in their infancy.

41% percent of the respondents indicated they were “not sure how this type of gaming would work”, while both crypto non-gamers and crypto gamers feared being scammed. 41% of crypto gamers also saw a higher likelihood of being scammed, compared to 36% of crypto non-gamers.

It’s Just Not Fun

The study revealed that traditional gamers are most familiar with terms like “play-to-earn” which they translate to mean crypto rewards when playing blockchain-powered games.

The report noted that the term and the perceived benefit remove the fun from games centred around the Web 3.0 space. However, those who tried the games for the first time were impressed and left a positive review of 7.1/10, while veterans provided an 8.3/10 rating.

According to Coda Labs, the respondents included those who play video games but rarely interact with crypto, those who play games and use crypto regularly and those who use crypto regularly but do less gaming.
