Satoshi Nakamoto

Satoshi Nakamoto is the pseudonym given to the anonymous person or persons who created Bitcoin. A number of individuals have been named as potential candidates for the title, including Hal Finney, Craig Wright, David Kleiman, and Nick Szabo. Several media outlets have tried to track down the individual behind the name, which in 2014 led them to the door of one Dorian Nakamoto, who it turned out had never even heard of Bitcoin. Craig Wright is the only individual who has tried to prove he is the creator of Bitcoin, but the evidence has not supported his claim. Crypto sleuths have tried to look into the name itself for clues, with the best translation of the name being “wise one who lives in the middle”, which is perhaps fitting but doesn’t offer many clues. Some believe the American government is behind Bitcoin and the name is simply derived from the project codename.