EOS Not Powerful Enough to Kill Ethereum Any Time Soon

Reading Time: 2 minutes

EOS has been promising to be the Ethereum killer for years, and it finally looks as if EOS has thrown in the towel and given up as it announces it will launch Voice on a custom-built EOS blockchain. The Voice app has been dubbed as the next Facebook and it will allegedly give content creators total freedom. However, Voice was supposed to launch on the EOS mainnet, but the mainnet cannot handle the little traffic that already exists – let alone compete with Facebook.

Block.One Looking Elsewhere Already

Block.One is the project behind Voice and it has allegedly spent $150 million on the project already. After EOS went into congestion mode a few weeks back, the network has been struggling to process transactions. As a result, Block.One has opted for a private version of EOSIO for Voice and its beta launch. This vote of no confidence in the EOS mainnet highlights just why EOS doesn’t even hold a candle to Ethereum, leading many to believe EOS is slowly on the way out.

dApps Are Struggling

As it stands, even small dApps are struggling to run on the EOS platform. EarnBet has announced that it’s dApp is struggling to keep up with demand following EOS’s recently run in with congestion mode. This low traffic dApp is struggling considerably, so how a dApp designed to rival Facebook is yes to be seen.

EOS has been touting itself as the Ethereum killer for years, but these fresh developments show that it’s nowhere near ready to even talk about this goal. Perhaps with time and work EOS could have the tools to blow Ethereum out of the water, but it’s looking very unlikely for the time being, IF you’re plotting a dApp, it’s probably best to stick to Ethereum for the time being,
